One of the most important sanctuaries of antiquity, dedicated to the father of the gods Olympian Zeus.
Olympia is the birthplace of the Olympic games, which were first held here in 776 BC to honor Zeus. The Olympic games where ceased in 393 AD after an edict issued by Theodosius the Great and were revived for the first time, after fifteen centuries in 1896 in the all-marble Stadium of Athens.
One sanctuary of Olympia spreads around the green wooded feet of
the Kronion hill, where the rivers Alpheios and Cladeos meet. Olympia has
been inhabited since prehistoric times but it only took its final form the
5th c BC with the impressive temple of Zeus and other impressive ancient
buildings like the Heraeum dedicated to Zeus wife Hera, the Stadium, the
Hippodrome where ancient horse races were held, the Palestra (wrestling
school) and the Gymnasium where the competitors were obliged to train for at least a month before the games.